Reintegration Second track

When an employee is absent for an extended period, you work together to help them return to work. When this is not possible within the organization and/or the second year of illness begins, a Track 2 reintegration process is started. During this phase, the employee looks for suitable work outside the company, with guidance from a certified coach. 

Track 2 reintegration process

When no structural solution has been found in the first year of illness and the employee has not yet reintegrated, it’s time to start a Track 2 reintegration process. This can also occur earlier if the occupational expert’s assessment indicates that the employee needs to look for work with another organization. During Track 2, the focus shifts from thinking about limitations to seeing possibilities. The employee is guided to accept change and motivated to search for suitable work elsewhere. With concrete tips, advice, and personal support, the employee prepares for the labor market. 

The employee will be supported by a certified and experienced coach. The goal is to guide the employee to a suitable position outside the organization. As the employer, you will be kept informed through progress reports. Additionally, the coach ensures that the process complies with laws and regulations and that the required reintegration reports are in order. 

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Request Track 2 reintegration

Our partner: Amplooi

Amplooi is the expert in employee guidance and development, focused on talent management, work capacity, and reintegration. As our sister organization and trusted partner in Track 2, Amplooi’s professionals assist our clients with relevant interventions and challenges. 

Also consider

Effectively increase the employability of your employees with targeted interventions. We help your people start work in a pleasant, safe, and healthy way.

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Occupational health services

Want us to fully take care of your absenteeism management? Or would you prefer to handle a large part of it yourself? We offer a suitable package tailored to your needs.


Training programs

Train your people in absenteeism and prevention, or dive deeper into laws and regulations? Explore our various training programs.


Absenteeism prevention

Prevention is better than cure. Examinations, PMOs (Periodical Medical Examinations), and a RI&E (Risk Inventory and Evaluation) provide a strong foundation for preventing and reducing absenteeism.

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