Feasability study
If an employee has been absent for a long time and there are doubts about their prospects in the job market, it may be worthwhile to conduct a feasibility study. Think of it as an intermediary step after the occupational health assessment, where it is investigated whether initiating a Track 2 reintegration is advisable.
Why a feasability study?
When an occupational health assessment reveals that your employee’s reintegration opportunities are limited, it can be valuable to carry out a feasibility study. This provides you and your employee with a realistic view of job prospects outside your organization. The study also helps you make informed decisions for the reintegration process.
During the feasibility study, our mobility expert maps out the opportunities and challenges of a Track 2 reintegration process for the absent employee. This forms a strong foundation for decision-making and helps with applying for an expert opinion from the UWV (Dutch Employee Insurance Agency). This type of study is also useful when you expect the employee to be assessed as more than 80% unfit for work during a WIA (Work and Income Act) assessment.

Request a feasability study
Our partner: Amplooi
Amplooi is an expert in employee guidance and development, focusing on talent management, work capacity, and reintegration. As our sister organization and trusted partner in feasibility studies, the professionals at Amplooi assist our clients with relevant interventions and challenges.
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