
Do you have one or more employees for whom there is no longer a position? With an outplacement program, our certified mobility experts guide your employees to a new job. Your employee quickly receives the right support, based on a tailormade action plan. This way, you offer personal guidance to your employee from a position of good employer practices.

Why outplacement?

In practice, it happens that a position becomes redundant, an unsolvable labor conflict arises, or the employee simply finds no challenge in the current job. In these cases, quick and skilled guidance is required to help your employee find a suitable job. Outplacement is always tailormade, with our mobility expert working with your employee to identify their qualities and ambitions.  

The goal: finding a new, suitable job. Together with the mobility expert, your employee develops a future vision and receives active support in creating job opportunities. This includes learning how to apply, network, and present themselves. Your employee also gains access to an extensive network through a talent marketplace. An outplacement program increases the chances of your employee quickly finding a suitable job. 

Aukje Huurman 4 -Capability portretten Hq 2024-28160

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Our partner: Amplooi

Amplooi is the expert in employee guidance and development, focusing on talent management, work capacity, and reintegration. As our sister organization and trusted partner in outplacement, the professionals at Amplooi help our clients with relevant interventions and issues.

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Effectively increase the employability of your employees with targeted interventions. We help your people start work in a pleasant, safe, and healthy way.

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Occupational health services

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Training programs

Train your people in absenteeism and prevention, or dive deeper into laws and regulations? Explore our various training programs.


Absenteeism prevention

Prevention is better than cure. Examinations, PMOs (Periodical Medical Examinations), and a RI&E (Risk Inventory and Evaluation) provide a strong foundation for preventing and reducing absenteeism.

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