Occupational health assessment

When your employee has been absent for a long period of time, after 10 months it is time for an occupational health assessment. As an employer, you want insight into the possibilities for returning to work. This assessment delves into the employee’s work capacity. At the end of the assessment, you will receive a concrete recommendation about the actions you and your employee can take. It provides you with a solid foundation for further steps.

Why an occupational health assessment?

Our certified occupational expert will have a conversation with you and your employee during the assessment. Ideally, the employee will eventually return to their current job. If that is not possible, the assessment may indicate that a Track 2 reintegration process needs to be initiated. The goal of this is to find suitable work outside the organization.

Independent advice from the occupational health assessment provides insight into which reintegration steps are realistic. You will also receive targeted advice about potentially adjusting tasks and the work environment. You and your employee will gain insight into the employee’s capacity and employability. Conducting an occupational health assessment is an effective way to examine the employee’s work potential, significantly speeding up the reintegration process.

Elise van Berckel 2 -Capability portretten Hq 2024-27695

Request occupational health assessment

Our partner: Amplooi.

Amplooi is the expert in staff guidance and development, focusing on talent management, work capacity, and reintegration. As our sister organization and trusted partner in occupational health assessments, Amplooi’s professionals assist our clients with relevant interventions and issues.

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Absenteeism prevention

Prevention is better than cure. Examinations, PMOs (Periodical Medical Examinations), and a RI&E (Risk Inventory and Evaluation) provide a strong foundation for preventing and reducing absenteeism.

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