
Capability, the occupational health service of attention & action

Our professionals work from various locations across the Netherlands, ensuring there's always a consultation location near you. Together, we'll determine which location is the best fit for you and your employees.

Nederlandse kaart Capability
Amsterdam (Regus Teleport Towers)

Amsterdam (Regus Teleport Towers)
Kingsfordweg 151
1142 MP Halfweg

Amsterdam Halfweg (Prevermo)

Amsterdam Halfweg (Prevermo)
Suikersilo-Oost 1
1165 MS Halfweg

Apeldoorn (Regus)

Apeldoorn (Regus)
Het Rietveld 55 A
7321 CT Apeldoorn


Velperweg 37
6824 BE Arnhem

Beegden (De Bedrijfspoli)

Beegden (De Bedrijfspoli)
Dorpsplein 1
6099 AS Beegden

Capelle (Prevermo)

Capelle (Prevermo)
Rivium Westlaan 1
2909 LD Capelle a/d IJssel

Eindhoven (Flex4You)

Eindhoven (Flex4You)
Croy 7
5653 LC Eindhoven

Groningen (Regus Martini)

Groningen (Regus Martini)
Paterswoldeweg 806
9728 BM Groningen


Storkstraat 28
3833 LB Leusden


Kerkenbos 10-75B
6546 BB Nijmegen

Maastricht (Regus City Center)

Maastricht (Regus City Center)
Stationsplein 8K
6621 BT Maastricht

Roermond (Regus)

Roermond (Regus)
Looskade 20
6041 LE Roermond


Rivium Boulevard 1
2909 LK Capelle aan den IJssel


Salltshof 1006
6604 EA Wijchen

Zaltbommel (Capability Van der Valk Hotel)

Zaltbommel (Capability Van der Valk Hotel)
Hogeweg 65-67
5301 LJ Zaltbommel

Zeist (Arbogezondheidscentrum)

Zeist (Arbogezondheidscentrum)
Utrechtseweg 75A
3702 AA Zeist

Zoetermeer (ASK)

Zoetermeer (ASK)
Denemarkenlaan 2
2711 EL - Zoetermeer

Zwolle (Prevermo)

Zwolle (Prevermo)
Aagje dekenstraat 51
8023 BZ Zwolle

These are our locations

  • Arnhem

    Velperweg 37
    6824 BE Arnhem

  • Nijmegen

    Kerkenbos 10-75B
    6546 BB Nijmegen

  • Leusden 

    Storkstraat 28
    3833 LB Leusden

  • Rotterdam 

    Rivium Boulevard 1
    2909 LK Capelle aan den IJssel

  • Amsterdam  

    Suikersilo-Oost 1
    1165 MS Halfweg

  • Zwolle 

    Aagje dekenstraat 51
    8023 BZ Zwolle

  • Zaltbommel 

    Hogeweg 65-67
    5301 LJ Zaltbommel

Who we are

Each team is the sum of its parts. Our colleagues strengthen each other to achieve our shared goal: helping employees start and stay healthy at work.

We'd love to hear from you

Want to meet us? Have a question or looking for advice?

We're happy to help you get started.